Bring UX Insights
to your CRM Team

Viaretina helps you understand hidden subscriber behaviors, and use those insights to drive more revenue from the Email channel.
CRM team work
Visual Experience Scores
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Benefits for CRM Teams

CRO Growth

Supercharge your click rates

Our Email UX audit will provide a clear picture of what's being seen and what is not. Our goal is to help you capture attention on what matters. So, you can focus on maximizing clics.

Get the most out of every opens

Everyone is busy, meaning most subscribers won’t have the time to read everything in your email. We ensure your campaign is in the best shape possible to boost your email channel ROI.
Friction brain

Go beyond opens and clicks

Get insights that go beyond opens and clicks to help focus efforts for future campaigns. We’ll show you precisely what needs to be done to get the most out of your email campaign's design.

Get the most out of your email design

10 seconds is the average time spent by an Internet user on an email campaign.
Get more visibility and expert advice to enhance your subscribers' experience and increase your click-through rates!
Predictive Eye Tracking Email Campaign

Make a good first impression

Ensure the most important design elements get the maximum exposure and the best readability.
Scores Email to Evaluate Friction Points

Eliminate Friction

Identify and quantify pain points that prevent you to increase your click-through rate on your email campaigns. We turn those insights into actionable recommendations for you.
Clear and Reading Ease

Reduce cognitive Load

The total cognitive load, or amount of mental processing power needed to go through your email, affects how easily users find content and achieve goals. Your subscriber's attention is a precious resource, and should be allocated accordingly.
Email UX Scorecard

Make Data-Driven Decisions

Viaretina shows how design influences audience attention. Build consensus by visually demonstrating the science behind creative decisions.
Oney logo

"Superb solution, great analyses, thank you for the insights and recommendations that feeds the teams and serves the end customers 🤝"

Anais Degorre
Anaïs Degorre
Customer Communication Manager, Oney

Capture your audience's limited attention

If you’re wondering how to handle your customers’ shrinking attention spans and high expectations for email content, you’ve come to the right place.
These CRM teams have already put their trust in us. Join the club!